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Astrological Compatibility Report
For: Kate and William
Kate's Venus is TRINE William's Mercury
Orb: 1.00
This combination indicates compatible ideas in the area of social activities and cultural pursuits. There is mutual understanding and a gentleness in communication. You are apt to enjoy mutual friends. In romantic and marital relationships, you are able to communicate feelings and emotional reactions, thus resolving most difficulties that occur. You make excellent traveling companions.
Kate's Mars is TRINE William's Mercury
Orb: 1.67
This is an aspect of mental compatibility. You work well together putting ideas into action. You enjoy games of mental challenge and competition. You have a mutual interest in politics and a fondness for debate. You stimulate each other's enthusiasm and resourcefulness.
Kate's Venus is TRINE William's Mars
Orb: 1.39
This is one of the best comparative aspect for sexual compatibility. There is likely to be a strong romantic attraction here, as well as a connection conducive to emotional and social compatibility. This is an excellent combination for romantic relationships and for marriage because of the high degree of both social and sexual compatibility.
Kate's Mars is CONJUNCT William's Mars
Orb: 1.28
You are apt to react to each other aggressively and impulsively. Often this aspect indicates a common interest in physical activities such as sports or outdoor work. It can increase mutual support for constructive action, sports and/or self-improvement. In most cases, this suggests the possibility of a strong sexual attraction.
